Beauty can be found all around the area of My Place Hotel-South Omaha/La Vista, NE with a plethora of recreation options nearby. Enjoy a nature walk in Fontenelle Forest, Chalco Hills, Walnut Creek, or Seymour Smith Park. If you are more interested in the hustle and bustle of city life our La Vista location is also just a short drive from Omaha, Nebraska’s largest city. Book ABC/CCRA rate codes to get 10% off nightly rates!

The best choice for convenience, comfort, and value, My Place Hotels are ideal for both short-term and long-term travelers! Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, our hotel offers an array of modern amenities to ensure your comfort.

Rooms feature pillow top mattresses, microfiber bedding, and a variety of soft and firm pillows. For added convenience, all rooms have a “My Kitchen,” which includes a full-sized refrigerator, a two-burner cook top, and a microwave. Guests can choose from a variety of options from our Breakfast in Bed program for a delivered breakfast option. Outside the guest room the hotel offers on-site laundry facilities, a fully stocked My Store, and a twenty-four-hour coffee station.

My Place offers guests Stay Rewarded®, a points-based loyalty program. Stay Rewarded® serves as an ongoing thank you and recognition to enrolled members, offering access to benefits that allow guests to enhance their relationship with the brand and make My Place their place more than ever before. To join, click here!

In addition to our guest-forward amenities and rewards program, our safety initiative ALWAYS CLEAN remains committed to the safety and security of our guests and hotel operators. To ensure our guests receive the greatest experience possible, we have included additional measures to our already high standards in health and safety. For more information, click here