Travel Industry Acronyms

AAAAmerican Automobile Association
ABAAmerican Bus Association
ACMEAssociation of Convention Marketing Executives
ACTEAssociation of Corporate Travel Executives
ADRAverage Daily Rate
AGMAnnual General Meeting
AHMAAmerican Hotel & Motel Association
AMAAmerican Marketing Association
ARTAAssociation of Retail Travel Agents
ASAEAmerican Society of Association Executives
ASTAAmerican Society of Travel Agents
BARBest Available Rate
B&BBed & Breakfast
BBBBetter Business Bureau
BCTABC Trucking Association
BICBusiness Information Centre
BTNBusiness Travel Network
CASCall Accounting System
CCACoast Cultural Alliance
CCRAComputerized Corporate Rate Association
CTPCertified Tour Professional
COTACouncil of Tourism Associations
CRSCentral Reservation Service
CTAClose to Arrival
CTCCertified Travel Consultant
CVAConvention and Visitors Association
CVBConvention & Visitors Bureau
DMCDestination Management Company
DMODestination Marketing Organization
DOSDirector of Sales
FAMFamiliarization Tour (also called research or product development trips)
FITFree and Independent (of group) Traveler
FITForeign Independent Traveler
GDSGlobal Distribution Service
GLAMERGroup Leaders of America
GMGeneral Manager
GSGuest Services
GSAGuest Service Agent
GSMGuest Service Manager
GSTGoods and Services Tax
HSMAIHospitality Sales and Marketing Association International
IAAMCInternational Association of Association Management Companies
IACVBInternational Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus
IAEMInternational Association of Exposition Managers
IAMCInstitute of Association Management Companies
IFEAInternational Festivals and Events Association
IMNInternational Motorcoach Network
IOCInternational Olympic Committee
ITBInternational Tourism Borse
M & ITMeetings & Incentive Travel
MLOSMinimum Length of Stay
MPIMeeting Professionals International
NACSNational Association of Consumer Shows
NACTANational Association of Commissioned Travel Agents
NAEMNational Association of Exposition Managers
NBTANational Business Travel Association
N/SNo Shows
NTANational Tour Association
OFFMKTOff Market
OSSNOutside Sales Support Network
PCMAProfessional Convention Management Association
QAQuality Assurance
RDMORegional Destination Marketing Organization
RFPRequest for Proposal
REVPARRevenue Per Available Room
RRWResort Reservations World-wide
RVDARecreational Vehicles Dealers Association
SITESite Inspection
SITESociety of Incentive and Travel Executives
SMERFESocial Military Religious Fraternal Entertainment
SRPSpecial Rate Plan
SWOTStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
TATravel Agent
TIATravel Industry Association of America
TICTourism Information Councilor
TQMTotal Quality Management
TTRATravel and Tourism Research Association
USCCUnited States Chamber of Commerce
USTOAUnited States Tour Operators Association
VCBVisitors and Convention Bureau
VICVisitor Information Centre
VICVisitor Information Councilor
WEDWestern Economic Diversification
WESTAWestern Association of Travel Agencies
WSAEWestern Society of Association Executives
WTMWorld Travel Market
WTTCWorld Travel and Tourism Council

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