Travel Advisor StartUp Join Now

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Created by experienced travel advisors and travel industry veterans for those new to the travel industry, the CCRA Travel Advisor StartUp program is your ideal roadmap to becoming a successful travel advisor.

What's Included

  • Industry Leading Training designed to give you the foundational education you need to launch and propel your career in travel
  • Certification
  • You’ll keep 80% of the commissions you earn as a hosted independent travel advisor.
  • Commissions of up to 20% on travel you book right away!
  • Proprietary, user-friendly Computer Reservations System to manage your agency and your clients, and make running your travel business seamless and easy
  • Access to thousands of preferred suppliers via CCRA’s Travel Advisor Global Network Host Agency (TAGN) to bring you the highest revenue on all types of travel across the globe
  • Specialized support provided by industry experts and mentors
  • Local CCRA TAGN chapter meetings and events for ongoing mentoring and support
  • Special promotions, bonus perks, and valuable training opportunities – all included!

Start Your Own Travel Business Today!

The full program including training, certification, FREE kick-off webinar, exclusive TAS membership in CCRA’s TAGN Host Agency for six months, and hands on support is just $799. Yes, you can get your travel business kicked-off the right way for just $799 with full training, certification, and expert guidance inculded!

After your six month training and membership access, you will be eligible to join our hosted program for access to all ongoing program components including your access to preferred suppliers and commission via TAGN Host Agency, your CRM to run your business seamlessly, supplier training and events, and ongoing support,

Sign Up Today


How do travel advisors make money?
There are two ways travel advisors earn revenue. The first is through commissions. For each vacation you create, the travel supplier you work with will offer you a percentage of the sale as a commission. For instance, if you booked a trip to Greece for $3,000, the tour operator you worked with to book the trip may offer a commission of 14%. Total commission $420, with 80% commission split you earn $336. The second way a travel advisor earns revenue is by charging the client a fee to book the Greece trip. Consultation fees range from $50 - $500 depending on your experience level.
How do you sell a destination you’ve never been to?
Great question. Travel advisors often find themselves creating memorable vacations to many destinations they may not have experienced themselves. They rely on their network to create an amazing experience. This may include destination management companies who often reside in the destination in question and can create a full itinerary for you. Or it may be another knowledgeable travel advisor who offers you some insight to the destination. Lastly, the Tourism Boards offer a wealth of information that will often give you everything you need to create an amazing experience.
I have a full-time job. Can I still do this?
Absolutely. The best thing about starting a travel business is doing it on your own terms. Start part and create your own schedule. You have the flexibility to work from anywhere and decide how quickly you want to grow.
How Do I book travel?
Booking travel is fairly easy!!! Through our program you will have access to a booking portal where you can book, air, hotels, and cruises. In addition to this booking portal travel industry suppliers have exclusive travel agent booking portals where you will register and gain full access to the travel agent only booking tool.
What types of travel arrangements can I book?
You can book all travel, air, hotel, cruises, rail, car rentals and even unique off the beaten path exclusive tours, both domestic and international.

Join now and start making money doing something you love!